Thursday, September 2, 2010

Huge Embarrassing Failure

This is the end of my 4th day of the Healthy Challenge. I hate it. I do not have time to shower recently, I am on my period and I am exhausted because Jane is not sleeping AGAIN. Add to that all the requirements of the Healthy Challenge and you get, as the name of this post implies, a huge embarrassing failure. I am still doing Power 90 and I am sure I burned a ton of calories today trying to get all my housework done. I had to add that. The Healthy Challenge point is for positive writing. :) I talked to Kyla today and she said to start with eliminating sugar. I think I may have to do that, dogonnit. I have been feeling like crap lately and I have been completely exhausted after exercising. I know it is because I have not been putting the correct fuel in my body. I was talking to a woman in our ward who has a daughter in gymnastics. The doctor told her that when people work their bodies that hard, eating sugar will leach calcium from their bones. She has to be on a strict non-sugar diet as long as she competes in gymnastics. I was thinking that sugar is not a good idea if I hope to train for a half-marathon! And it is probably better to start now! I am going to do some shopping while we are back in Pueblo this weekend and see if I can find some naturally sweet stuff at Vitamin Cottage.


Kyla said...

After a couple of months you won't even miss it. I promise! Until then, DO NOT have it in your house. You will fail if you do.

Kyla said...


Katie Seamons said...

My sister in law has a really good blog with a lot of healthy low sugar meal ideas along with how she eats to stay thin. check it out. She is experimenting with agave nectar. I have decided to run the turkey trot on thanksgiving. not as big of a goal as yours but a goal just the same!We can do it!