Friday, September 17, 2010


Another week almost over, thank goodness. Still have not missed a day of Power 90. I may not be physically ready for running, but we are starting to have crisp, cool autumn mornings and it makes me want to get out and run in it. Maybe I will be able to start my running after I am done with Power 90 and my healthy challenge. It is too bad that soon winter and snow will be here and then no more running outside. I will have a good three months, though! And some surprise days in winter, too, if it is going to be anything like last year.

My eating today was ok. I ate a lot of fruit, but haven't had my second serving of vegetables. I am still going to count it because I ate sooooo much fruit. I have been in a snacky mood today, but I managed to keep my snacks healthy (whole grain crackers and Laughing Cow light cheese, grapes, an apple).

I am starting to make healthy choices out of habit and I must say, it is really nice not to have to struggle about whether to eat brownies or an apple for snack. This is one of my big motivations for getting healthy. I am so tired of always having to think about being fat and if what I am doing is contributing to my health or my obesity. I can hardly wait until living healthily is second nature. :)


Anbolyn said...

glad to see that you're going strong! my health, mental and physical, have been crap lately, so I needed some inspiration. You've given it to me!

Planty Mama said...

That's a bummer, Anbo. My mental health is always in question :), but I find my healthier lifestyle seems to contribute to a better outlook on life. It's hard to remember that in the midst of this whole no sleeping thing, but I feel happier and more even-tempered. I have also noticed an improvement in my crossword puzzle abilities. Weird, huh?