Friday, August 20, 2010

Day 19

As the end of week THREE draws to a close, I can proudly say I have exercised every planned day! Six days a week of exercising for three weeks! Well, when I exercise tomorrow it will be three weeks, but close enough! The workouts are actually getting harder because I no longer have to do the modified versions of some of the exercises. My push-ups are lookin' good! Even though I still have to do them from my knees. I still have to do the modified dips, but now I can do 12 instead of 10. I wonder how long it will take before I can actually move to the circuit 3-4 DVDs. I would like to go through Power 90 once, then do it again, adding Zumba in the afternoons. We have P90X, but I am thinking it may be a while before I can do that one! I am getting SO excited about all the exercise programs that look so fun I am planning to try. I never would have even thought myself capable of them before. And I am discovering I really love exercising. My eating could still use some work, but like Anbo encourages, I am taking baby steps and getting there. I signed up for the No Excuses Workout e-mails and he always says that a year from now you will wish you had started today. I am no longer in that category! I have started! I hope everyone else is doing well and discovering encouraging improvements. Thanks for all your comments and support. It makes this even more exciting!


Heather said...

You really do inspire me!! I'm so proud of your hard work. Believe me, I know how hard it is to workout with little ones. You're way ahead of the game. 2011 half marathon, here we come!!

Anbolyn said...

Fantastic! I'm so proud of you and Niesa!