Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Day 16

And the difficulty sets in. I am still doing Power 90 every day except Sunday. Buuuuuut my eating has not been fantastic. I am on my period and my hormones are still crazy from the pregnancy. My cravings have been insanely intense and I must admit I have given in to them on a preeeeety regular basis. I am in the wrapping up stage so I am hoping that these cravings recede. I have not been eating after 8 (except for Sunday night, blah) and I have still been exercising, but eating at the table has not been happening. I am snacking too much between meals and I have not been eating the best things (i.e. almost an entire pan of brownies in two days). I feel some of this is due to Jane not sleeping more than two hours at a time at night. I am exhausted and the effort of eating well seems to be beyond me at the moment. I am hoping some of my exhaustion is hormonal so it will get easier in a few days. Any tips for staying motivated when you just do not have the energy?


Kyla said...

Having no sleep is the worst. It seems like you're just trying to get through the day and if eating that sugary snack helps, so be it. I've totally been there. I feel for you!

When do you usually try and get your babies on a good sleep schedule? 4 months? 6? I'm not saying you shouldn't try until then, but it's a lot easier when you're getting sleep.

Heather said...

YOU CAN DO IT!!!! Keep on keepin' on! If you wait until your baby sleeps through the night it could be YEARS!! Take it from someone who has a one year old who won't sleep through the night ): Don't give up just do better after your period. You're my inspiration! I posted on my blog today for the first time in 2 years. Someone let Niesa know that my invitation to her blog has expired and I can't get on anymore.

Anbolyn said...

Maybe when you feel energized you can cut up some fruit or veggies and have them on hand for those times when you are exhausted and want to grab something easy.
My eating has been crap, as well, but I figure baby steps are better than no steps!