Monday, August 30, 2010

Day 1 of Healthy Challenge, Day 29 of Power 90

Day 1 of the Healthy Challenge is going well. I have already been able to mark off 3 points today! I have not been terribly tempted by sugar or sweets, which is something I was worried about. I have been busy today and that helps. I got up and did Power 90 (1/3 of the way through, YAY!), went to my moms' group at 9, got home at 11:30, and I have been trying to get things back to normal after our trip to Pueblo. That means LOTS of laundry and general picking up. I am not quite sure what else to write, but this is for a point so I feel like only writing this much would be cheating! I am still going strong with Power 90. No missed days for a month! I am glad I have stuck so faithfully to this because when I went to Pueblo my consistency re-inspired Megan to make time for exercise. I had a wonderful visit with everyone while I was there. I think that little boost is making this 10 week challenge a little easier! I hope everyone else is doing well and progressing in their goals. Ooh, that reminds me. My personal goal for this week is to read my Advantages Response Card before every meal. That is an index card with my reasons for wanting to lose weight written on it. It makes it harder to overeat with those reasons fresh in my mind at every meal!

1 comment:

Candi said...

good job Sybil! keep it up. We have been trying harder to eat more healthy in our home too and so far its been working well. Sounds like you like your healthy challenge. awesome.