Thursday, March 20, 2008

Third Successful Day

I have managed to stick to the Atkins for 3 consecutive days! I did have to go buy some Atkins candy. I had to get Easter candy for Tyler and I just was not that confident in my ability to resist if I didn't have some kind of crutch. I've managed not to overdo it though. Sarah having explosive diarreah is a great deterrent. I felt pretty tired and grouchy the first two days. Probably side effects of no sugar which we all know I am addicted to. I feel pretty good today. Tyler, Sarah, Puppy and I all went for a walk down to the park. Anyway, I was just really excited to have been able to stick with something for 3 whole days! I did find out something, though. I was using the carb counter on the Atkins website. I was looking at the carbs in the first column, but I should have been looking in the third column, so I was actually eating way under the amount of carbs I should have been. Which also might explain my tired and grouchy first two days!! I hope everyone else is doing well. I have to give Kyla kudos. I talked to her the other night and she's been working out every day! I think the exercise is just as hard, if not harder, than the eating part. Way to go Kyla and Heather! And way to go my fellow yoga sisters!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Weight loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise so although the exercise is good for you and you should definitely do it, an eating plan is so much more effective.