Wednesday, January 11, 2012

2012 is going to be the year! For what, I'm not yet sure...

Sooooo, yesterday I had a policy council meeting at Sarah's school. I have a nice pair of jeans I usually reserve for these sort of dressy soccer mom occasions. I missed the meeting in December (Jane had the stomach flu) so it had been 2 months since I put these jeans on. I almost dislocated a rib sucking in enough to get those babies zipped up. Seriously. Something popped. I decided it was time to get serious about my New Year's resolutions.

I am going the natural foods route. You can call me a hippie, a tree hugger, a vegetarian, even (gasp!) but I think it's the best answer for me. I feel like I will not eat as much crap if my body is already loaded with the good stuff. I have been doing some research, and, since I must admit that I have an aversion to the taste of some healthy food, I decided a "green drink" would be the best way to get in the nutrients without having to actually taste all that healthy stuff.

Slight problem: we live 40 minutes from the nearest grocery store stocked with anything but iceberg lettuce. And we only go shopping every 2 weeks. How do you keep your fridge stocked with necessary greens for 2 weeks without having them turn into a science experiment??? This is why I'm a genius. I saw a tutorial for saving fresh spices by blending them with water and freezing them. This is a great idea. Whenever I buy a bunch of cilantro I end up throwing half of it away. BUT, I figured it would work just as well for greens! I brought all my greens home from the grocery store (I'm not sure what they are, I just chose the greenest, most disgusting looking greens-I figured they were probably the healthiest), blended them up, and froze them in ice cube trays. This is great for two reasons: I don't have to worry about my greens rotting AND it eliminates the need for ice in my green drinks!

I had a lovely green drink this morning. Jane even shared it with me, so it couldn't have tasted that bad!

*for pictured green drink recipe, go to

1 comment:

Heather said...

Freezing your greens is BRILLIANT!! I'll have to tell Judd. I hate when we waste produce. I'm even going to take a compost class so that if our produce turns, at least we can put it to good use. Thanks for inspiring me to blog. I haven't posted for a LONG time.