Friday, February 1, 2008

Fitness Test aka Total Humiliation

I was talking to my dear friend Lisa the other day. She was telling me about her weight loss quest and said she had started it out with the standard high school phys ed test. I decided it's nice to know what you're starting with, so I got out my timer, set it for 2 minutes and started doing sit ups with my feet firmly wedged under the couch. "Wow," I thought, "this is harder than I remember." About 8 sit ups later it was A LOT harder than I remembered! I only got to 8 real sit ups before resorting to wildly flailing my arms to get up. After a few of those I had to resort to grabbing my legs and half pulling myself up. Even with all my cheating I only got to 27 in two minutes! How sad is that! Then I set my timer for two minutes and resumed the push up position. When my full weight rested on my knees (yes, I had to do the girl push ups) and hands my right wrist popped and I collapsed! So that is a grand total of 27 sit ups in 2 minutes and ZERO push ups in 2 minutes. And now I know what I am starting with. And may possibly never be able to use my right hand again.


Anbolyn said...

I'm impressed you even tried this! The thought of trying to do even one sit-up makes me tired and brings back too many horrible memories of the fitness test in junior high PE.

Kyla said...

If it makes you feel any better, I couldn't pass the fitness test when I was at my most fit. It's a stupid test. It only exists to humiliate us.

Niesa said...

Yeah, I don't know that I would have even been able to do the 27 sit ups. And the last time I did a push-up I think I got to, like, 1/2.

Heather said...

Give yourself a break. You just had a baby and your stomach muscles have been stretched out and cut. Kudos to you for getting 27!! You go girl.