Monday, March 15, 2010

Still trying...

I've really been struggling with getting my house cleaned up. I was sick the day after we got back. Sarah and I both just kinda laid around, so nothing got done. Then I was having major dizzy spells and had to keep sitting down, so day 2 of nothing much getting done. I do a little something every day, but I'm so far behind that by the end of the day anything I managed to get done is undone! I have a dish marathon waiting for me in the kitchen, a major toy removal and vacuuming marathon in the living room, piles of trash to take out, and my bathroom needs a major overhaul. I must say, my bathroom counters are cleared off and wiped down. And we made Sarah's bed and my bed this morning. That's about all I can say for my accomplishments. The bigger I get, the more exhausted I get and it is getting increasingly difficult to do anything with the energy of even 2 weeks ago. Just wish me luck. I'll keep on keepin' on. Send your prayers my way. I only have 2 months before baby comes and the whole reason I started this was to have my house in order before that occurs. I'm going to go get dressed to my shoes right now and see if that helps.

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