Friday, February 26, 2010


I'm getting there! I'm beginning to see how small habits build up to make a clean house!!!!! Every day, I get out of bed and right away I make it. My bed looks so nice, I never leave anything on the floor. My room has been clean for 2 weeks now. Sarah's room is easy, I just make sure anytime I go upstairs I check her room for things that don't belong there and put them back where they go. I've been keeping up with laundry, so there aren't mounds of clothes everywhere. I fold everything straight out of the drier and put it away as soon as possible, so I don't have clean clothes sitting all over either. I never go a whole day without doing all the dishes that are in the sink at the time I do dishes. I have left some in the sink overnight, but they never sit there for 24 hours. Usually, not even 12 hours! I haven't done any 2 hour dish washing marathons for quite a while now! Sarah's toy room is clean, and she put all her toys that she'd brought to the living room back in the toy room before dinner. I did my swish and swipe today, so my bathroom is clean. My whole house is almost clean, and I can honestly say it was with hardly any effort on my part. All I did was get off my franny for a few 15 minute cleaning sessions! I even got to spend more time with Sarah today than usual. We snuggled on the couch and watched The Secret of NIMH, did puzzles, and colored a little! My house is cleaner than it's ever been AND I have the most time I've ever had to spend with my family! I didn't think those two things went together! My extra room is still a disaster, but I really need to just set the timer for 15 minutes and get it done! I can't believe that this has happened since the week after Valentine's Day, when I more fully committed to the FLYlady program AND a regular scripture study and prayer program! I have to add that. I feel the one would not be possible without the other. Thanks, Anbo, for your encouragement. Your great success has inspired me!

1 comment:

Anbolyn said...

This is so amazing! I am extremely proud of you, Sybil! I can feel your sense of accomplishment through the computer screen. I know that Heavenly Father truly does help us accomplish our goals. I am so fired up by your example of obtaining a clean house that I am feeling inspired to finally declutter my apartment. Thank you!