Monday, February 22, 2010


Us FLYbabies call it fluttering when we're striving to keep up our routines, however imperfectly! I think that's pretty accurate for what I'm accomplishing. My dishes are done. My kitchen is (mostly) clean, I took out the trash and cleaned the bathroom. I dressed to my shoes. I made my bed. I took out everything that didn't belong in my bedroom. I'm fluttering, alright, but I'm not giving up! My living room, extra room, and Sarah's toy room are all disasters and Sarah threw all her books out of her bookcase in her bedroom. I guess three out of four rooms isn't too bad. And it's certainly an improvement from just 3 weeks ago. I'll keep fluttering as long as it takes until I'm FLYing! I want to establish a "house of order" for my family. That phrase comes to my mind often as I pray and study. Heavenly Father wants us to have the peace and ease of living in an orderly environment. I want to work on the 5 minute "room rescues" that Flylady suggests. Five minutes at a time is most certainly doable! That's my goal for tomorrow. Five minute room rescues in all the 4 rooms that are not in order. I'll report back tomorrow evening.

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