Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Small Setback

Yesterday I let my perfectionism get in the way of my 5 minute room rescues. I did clean in each of the 4 rooms, but in the extra room, instead of picking up all the stuff all over I scrubbed a place on the carpet where Sarah spilled something that dried into a crusty stain. It took me 10 minutes to do something insignificant compared to the 5 minutes it would have taken me to pick up the whole room. *sigh* I did clean all the books up in Sarah's room and mostly cleaned up the living room. I did a 30 second room rescue in the toy room :) My kitchen was a mess, but right before I went to bed I decided to shine my sink which led me to clean the counter! It's still better than it was a few months ago, but I'm a long way from FLYing. One good thing that has happened with Flylady, though, is that all my bills have been on time for 3 months (Tyler used to pay the bills and it took me a while to get in the groove, especially when I was sick) and I never have any late fees at the library. Our routines and schedules have helped! One little thing at a time until my house is a well-oiled machine!

1 comment:

Anbolyn said...

Slowly, but surely. Keeping house effectively is just like anything else, I suppose - you have to practice until you know it by heart. You're doing great, Sybil! I'm really proud of your efforts. I read something the other day about making our homes into temples and the first question asked was: "Is your home clean and orderly?". I had to say no to that one, but you are on your way!