Saturday, February 20, 2010


Today was not a good day for Lent resolutions :) I woke up around 6:15 with Sarah to several inches of snow outside and it was still coming down. I knew we would not be driving to Fort Morgan to do our grocery shopping! I stayed in my pajamas til around 1 pm, didn't do my dishes or make my bed. I guess it wasn't a total loss. I DID put away the dishes I did last night, swept the snow off the front porch, got dressed to my shoes (even if it was a liiiiitle late), and washed some of Sarah's stuffed animals I was afraid of catching the plague from. Some of my habits were not broken. I think I need to give myself a little leeway on some things. Being pregnant means that no matter how well I treat my body, there will be days when I am sick or exhausted and pushing myself to do everything I planned will only make it worse. I'm beginning to realize this a little late in the pregnancy. "But, Sybil," you might ask, "weren't you pregnant once already? Didn't you know this?" Answer: No. With Sarah I was able to lay around all day without worrying about a two year old destroying the house. I could nap all day if I wanted. It's quite different this time around. I am glad for the challenge, though, because I'm also learning that I can always do SOME things, even if it's only 5 minutes at a time.

1 comment:

Anbolyn said...

Something is better than nothing, right? I can only imagine how exhausting it can be carrying another human being around inside of you. I really was inspired by your post yesterday about flylady. Megan always urged me to try it and I never believed her. But I really need to! I am a terrible housekeeper and I only have me to keep for - maybe that is why. It is easy to ignore the mess when no one else cares!! So, you've convinced me to try the basics of flylady and get my house in order.