Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I have not exercised in two weeks. So sad. I have just been feeling like crap (emotionally and physically) lately and cannot call up the motivation to exercise. I have returned to being sugar free after a few days off last week. It was our anniversary last Wednesday (Four Years!) and I made brownie sundaes. And then proceeded to eat brownie sundaes for every meal until the brownies and ice cream were gone. You were right, Kyla. Anyhoo, that was only for a few days and I have been doing just fine with the sugar free lifestyle since then. I started Sarah's at-home preschooling on Tuesday and have been having a lot of fun with that! We are doing it Tuesdays and Thursdays. That means that every other week I will have stuff going on 6 days out of the week. I know that most of you already have that, but I am still trying to stay afloat after having Jane! Wish me luck on somehow managing to schedule fitness into my... schedule. "Allow myself to introduce... myself." I am lame. Goodnight!

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