Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I have been doing well lately. It's not so much that my diet has changed, but that I'm eating less food less often. I feel like I was lead to a book description on Amazon that has changed everything. I don't even remember what the book was called, but the theory was that certain people need to feel safe in order to lose weight. It has to do with whether you're programmed with the fight or flight response to stress. I didn't understand it completely, but it lead me to think about feeling safe and losing weight. Something in my brain was telling me that I wasn't safe and to protect myself I needed to provide padding. It seemed a lot like the description in Feelings Buried Alive Never Die under feelings we have that make us fat. I've been doing the script in Feelings Buried Alive for feeling unsafe and I can't believe the difference it's made. I was starting to fear I would never be able to get my eating under control. I just HAD to eat. Since I've been doing this, I hardly snack between meals, I listen to my body when it feels sated, I don't eat 3 or 4 servings of dinner just because it tastes good with no regard to the sick feeling that comes. I am amazed at the difference this small thing makes. I want to start the He Did Deliver Me From Bondage program again. I think you have to be at a certain point before it can be effective and I wasn't at that point yet. I'm feeling optimistic about weight loss for the first time in a LONG time and it's really exciting!


Candi said...

Yay that is so exciting! I know how you feel. When I did weight watchers I started to feel boxed in by all the counting and measuring. Now I still measure (sort of) But I have allowed myself to just not worry. I started taking the same portions that I give my kids and it has really helped me lower my intake. I think jer has started to do that too. I love the fact that we have more left overs in the house. lol. Good job! Its so nice when you feel good about what you are doing. It means you are doing something right! yay!

Anbolyn said...

I'm glad you've made a breakthrough! I wish I could find something to motivate me.

DocNABox said...

Sybil...I had no idea you were pregnant!!! Congrats!!!! So my new blog hopefilledprocess.blogspot.com
Love Mindy