Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Where are we?

Just a quick check on progress. Has everyone been prepping? Kyla - are you getting all your books read so you can start in earnest on the 29th? I've been reading my scriptures and saying my prayers in preparation for beginning the program. I've been figuring out what I want to do to lose weight. Anyway, I just wanted to know if everyone was gearing up for the real fight! Let's get pumped! Yeah! Whooooo! Okay, enough of that. Just let me know.


Kyla said...

Hey Syb, that happens to be when I'll be on vacation. I'll really try to do it. Niesa will be with me, maybe we can do it together.

Anbolyn said...

Should we wait until Kyla and Niesa get back from vacation or go forward despite that? Are we going to start reading on the 29th or start discussing? Just to let you know I am having a dark night of the soul, a crisis of faith and am pretty much in the pit of despair all at the same time so this is kind of hard for me, but I will try.

Planty Mama said...

We'll wait til they get back. That's fine. We're going to start doing the assignments on the 29th, then we'll discuss at the end of the week. I'm sorry that you're having a crisis of faith. I recently fell into a pit of despair and was really helped by a priesthood blessing. Do you have home teachers who would give you a blessing? And I mean I was REALLY down, questioning my reason for living. I believe this program will help you with your other problems, too. Just know that there are many people who love and appreciate you and think about you often.

Planty Mama said...

Just kidding, I mean we'll start the assignments on the 6th of July! Sorry!

Anbolyn said...

Thanks Sybil it helps to know that I'm not alone. Not that I would have you feeling despair -I'm glad that you were helped by the blessing. I haven't been to church in a while so I really don't know my home teachers, but maybe I can find out who they are. I looked into the simple til six program and it sounds pretty doable. I might try that this coming week.