Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Hello Baldness, My Old Friend

As I was showering last night, I wrapped my fingers around the bulk of my wet hair and discovered that it measures about 2 centimeters in diameter. What happened? When you're pregnant, those 9 months seem like all you've ever known and you can't remember a time when you weren't nauseated or hungry or apparently, when you didn't have handfuls and handfuls of hair! Was my hair this thin before? I begin to wonder if it doesn't have something to do with my lifestyle (i.e. eating habits, sedentary living, etc.). When you are taking care of yourself, everything benefits. And the reverse is also true: when you aren't taking care of yourself, everything suffers. Anyway, these are just random ramblings as I begin to recognize the many consequences of my neglect of my health. My skin is definitely a casualty and I have to think my hair might be, too. Yet another reason to get serious about being healthy and not just skinny!

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